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Posted By Topic: Gambling review - 病態賭徒       - Views: 1034
windersports_88 18-Nov 2023 Saturday 5:45 PM (472 days ago)
ธนัศฑ์เกียมา, Bet On Us and madhorse  3 Likes  
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Gambling Review

***Identifying gambling issues and fine-tune till it doesn't cause major disruption to the gambler life***

Bankroll $450 till e next reload 
Betsize $5/$10
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Avaerage last about 12 days
winrate: 46%
Solutions : Reduce no.of tchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min. $1/game

Bankroll $400 
Betsize $20/$30
Playtime: last about 2 days
winrate: 4%
Solutions : choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race

Bankroll $12,000 
Betsize $200/$300
Playtime: last about 7 days
winrate: 7%
Solutions : Got money then go no money don even think burn money super fast, don soak inside hit and run.

Bankroll $600 
Betsize $30/$40/$50
Playtime : mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun (30days)
winrate: 0.1%
Solutions : Don bet on everydraw date got feeling then buy abit.
Per draw date : max bet $50



"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
ธนัศฑ์เกียมา, Bet On Us and madhorse  3 Likes  

windersports_88 18-Nov 2023 Saturday 7:53 PM (472 days ago)            #2
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AB$: 1,006,250

Revised new bankroll


Bankroll $250 till e next reload 
Betsize $1/$5/$10
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Avaerage last about 12 days
winrate: 46%
Solutions : Reduce no.of tchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min. $1/game

Bankroll $150
Betsize $9
Playtime: last about 2 days
winrate: 4%
Solutions : choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race

Bankroll $nil
Betsize $200/$300
Playtime: last about 7 days
winrate: 7%
Solutions : Got money then go no money don even think burn money super fast, don soak inside hit and run.

Bankroll $150
Betsize $6/$8
Playtime : mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun (30days)
winrate: 0.1%
Solutions : Don bet on everydraw date got feeling then buy abit.
Per draw date : max bet $50



"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 08-Dec 2023 Friday 5:16 AM (453 days ago)            #3
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AB$: 1,006,250

4D & TOTO  (revised bankroll due to suspected kelongness)
Bankroll $80
Betsize $3/$6
Playtime : mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun (30days)
winrate: 0.1%
Solutions : Don bet on everydraw date got feeling then buy abit.
Per draw date : max bet $20/week (4D/toto)

Toto : buy ordinary only...sytem 7 ,8,9 all no strike at most 1 number (kelong)
4D: buy $3-$6 max bet (kelong)
Numbers opened all super ugly don waste money


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
seelangui 17-Dec 2023 Sunday 8:12 PM (443 days ago)            #4
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Warned count
(last 30 days):

AB$: 1,058,125

Hum just bet the same amount 
every draw but odds must
Be above $2 for
Soccer if using same bet amount
If not very hard to win anything also
Free multiples $10 
or pts
Long run depends on your level 
U can win something 

see what you want to see believe all you see
My current Mission is keep wining until S_P 斗/close shop
use main & sub method unit 1 unit= $20:
Use main bet as base the rest side bet to add on to max win or more Name it Eye jackpot system 南神眼

betting records at

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
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(Est. Nov 2013)

Team Ranked: #36 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,673,125 Total Members: 20
windersports_88  1 Likes  
seelangui 17-May 2024 Friday 2:59 PM (291 days ago)            #5
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Warned count
(last 30 days):

AB$: 1,058,125

So any updates 😋
I had to reposted again 
Maybe of my post title 
But team to score 1st goal really 

see what you want to see believe all you see
My current Mission is keep wining until S_P 斗/close shop
use main & sub method unit 1 unit= $20:
Use main bet as base the rest side bet to add on to max win or more Name it Eye jackpot system 南神眼

betting records at

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
(Est. Nov 2013)

Team Ranked: #36 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,673,125 Total Members: 20
windersports_88  1 Likes  
windersports_88 29-May 2024 Wednesday 3:19 PM (279 days ago)            #6
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Posts: 17421
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AB$: 1,006,250

Bankroll $160 till e next reload 
Betsize $1/$3/$5
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Average last about 15 days
winrate: 44%
Solutions : Betsize reduce due to lower winning percentage(damage control). Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min. $1/game

Bankroll $100
Betsize $2
Playtime: last about 15 days
winrate: 3%
Solutions :
Betsize reduce due to lower winning percentage(damage control).Different  venues : Australia, Japan, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, HK/macau, UK,France, many to bet juz focus one or two venues to bet. Choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 04-Jun 2024 Tuesday 7:36 AM (274 days ago)            #7
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AB$: 1,006,250


By adopting e paroli system, you would be able to withstand the losing streaks and able to capitalize on e winning streaks instead of flat betting all e way. For instance those low confidence bet or itchy hand bet you bet small or stay on e sideline....while those high confidence bet you bet big.

Base unit : $5
For eg: winning streaks: WWWDWWWDWWLWWL (Lucky/Heng)
you can start betting big like base unit *1.5 or *2*3*4

For eg: losing streaks:
you can start betting small like $1 or stop betting.Due to e fact u are a gambling addict u can't stop so it doesn't really effect u u are only losing 20 percent of your base unit.

Monitor e first 3 hand to see your luck for today.
By doing these even if your winning percentage is 44-50 percent range you can still win abit or you managed to keep your losses to e minimum.


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 05-Jun 2024 Wednesday 5:34 AM (273 days ago)            #8
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AB$: 1,006,250


Try stay away from those odd/even game unless you really lucky then you can try, if not you straight flush one colour die....
or if really buay tahan you can bet $1 to kill itch .

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 09-Jun 2024 Sunday 8:32 AM (269 days ago)            #9
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AB$: 1,006,250


I don know if you got this problem u like to place some fun bets b4 u sleep, so u spray eg got 20 matches u anyhow spray bet all $5 each, if u bet Asianhandicap and Total goal so one single match bet is $10, 20 matches is $200. My personal experience winning rate is about 30% losing rate is 70% purely luck.

Then you wakeup u check if u win like check 4D...then most of e time is straight flush one colour die, LLLWLLDLLL. Then per day u lose about $100++ per day for your addiction. You juz want the shiokness, 赌博爽why bet so big n so many matches?

Counter this problem
20 matches u bet about 3 matches instead of all.
U bet only on AH or TG don bet both
Bet $1 instead of $5 per game

Conclusion: even if u lose all u only lose $3 per day instead $100++ per day
1 month down e road you only lose $90 at max for your spraying spree gambling addiction.Impossible lose all so u average only lose about $70 per month.

You can keep on betting without disrupting your life.


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 13-Jun 2024 Thursday 5:30 PM (264 days ago)            #10
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AB$: 1,006,250


I don know if you got this problem u bring like eg $$2000 to casino gamble then you gamble about 45mins you lose all. By right your gambling budget is only $2000 but because you unlucky bet only awhile lose everything not enough to feed your addiction(赌瘾) so you went outside ATM to press another $2000 went in to fight again.....30mins later you went bust again. Then you went outside ATM to press money to fight again......this cycle repeat until you depleted your bank account as you can't stop because you are a gambling addict.

Counter this problem
Before you go casino u bring cash only leave behind you ATM Card , debit card, credit card at home all don bring.  Then when you lose all you have no choice but to go managed to keep your loses at $1800. My stlyle u keep $200 inside your wallet to eat good food n watch movie 补痛,don u-turn back anymore.


Conclusion: Currently casino they operate at a very tight mode(格杀勿论)b4 covid and after covid 2 different thing.You dont stand a chance to win big money even if they let you win is abit only.My observation: b4 covid $2000 i can soak inside play 3-4 hours in casino feed the gambling worm. Now is 60 mins at best. Everytime i reload the time frame shorten by 10-15 mins, 2nd reload i can only play 45 3rd reload 30mins. This is a msg “你·在·下·在·杀” if you don surrender u will die.


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 14-Jun 2024 Friday 4:36 AM (264 days ago)            #11
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AB$: 1,006,250

In terms of play time (shortest)

SG casino
Malaysia casino
Macau casino

In terms of baccarat betting i'm more familiar with macau casino so i can play longer in macau then in SG and malaysia casino.

Malaysia sometimes host poker tournament is a great place for gambling addicts to soak inside....u join e statellite competion which is only a few hundreds rm, when u win u progress to e main event which may cost 1200rm or 1500rm per event. At e same time u can gain poker betting skills and get to know similar like minded people very fun.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 16-Jun 2024 Sunday 7:59 AM (262 days ago)            #12
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AB$: 1,006,250

Recap on new bankroll


Bankroll $160 till e next reload 
Betsize $1/$3/$5
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Avaerage last about 15 days
winrate: 44%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min. $1/game.$1 betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside
...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Bankroll $50/100
Betsize $2
Playtime: last about 2 days
winrate: 3%
Solutions : choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race

Observation: Currently you can try 2 weeks bet one time instead of every week so $100 u can bet 2 months....anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Bankroll $nil
Betsize $200/$300
Playtime: last about 7 days
winrate: 7%
Solutions : Got money then go no money don even think burn money super fast, don soak inside hit and run.

Observation: Currently casino they operate at a very tight mode(格杀勿论)b4 covid and after covid 2 different thing.You dont stand a chance to win big money even if they let you win is abit only.

Instead of losing thousands in casino monthly by not going u save thousands of dollars monthly or reduce e no. of time u vist e casino from 12x yearly to 2x yearly about 6 months one time. Refer to post #10 for damage control tips. The gambling worm will shrink overtime.

Bankroll $80
Betsize $3/$6
Playtime : mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun (30days)
winrate: 0.1%
Solutions : Don bet on everydraw date got feeling then buy abit.
Per draw date : max bet $50

Toto : buy ordinary only...sytem 7 ,8,9 all no strike at most 1 number (kelong)
4D: buy $3-$6 max bet (kelong)
Numbers opened all super ugly don waste money


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 16-Jun 2024 Sunday 3:28 PM (261 days ago)            #13
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AB$: 1,006,250

quote originally posted by windersports_88:
Recap on new bankroll


Bankroll $160 till e next reload 
Betsize $1/$3/$5
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Avaerage last about 15 days
winrate: 44%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min. $1/game.$1 betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Bankroll $50/100
Betsize $2
Playtime: last about 2 days
winrate: 3%
Solutions : choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race

Observation: Currently you can try 2 weeks bet one time instead of every week so $100 u can bet 2 months....anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Bankroll $nil
Betsize $200/$300
Playtime: last about 7 days
winrate: 7%
Solutions : Got money then go no money don even think burn money super fast, don soak inside hit and run.

Observation: Currently casino they operate at a very tight mode(格杀勿论)b4 covid and after covid 2 different thing.You dont stand a chance to win big money even if they let you win is abit only.

Instead of losing thousands in casino monthly by not going u save thousands of dollars monthly or reduce e no. of time u vist e casino from 12x yearly to 2x yearly about 6 months one time. Refer to post #10 for damage control tips. The gambling worm will shrink overtime.

Bankroll $80
Betsize $3/$6
Playtime : mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun (30days)
winrate: 0.1%
Solutions : Don bet on everydraw date got feeling then buy abit.
Per draw date : max bet $50

Toto : buy ordinary only...sytem 7 ,8,9 all no strike at most 1 number (kelong)
4D: buy $3-$6 max bet (kelong)
Numbers opened all super ugly don waste money


You from monthly on average lose 3.5k on gambling to lose about $450 is a great improvement, you only lose 12.85% of wad u use to lose.You can use mine as a template then modify and fine tune accordingly until it doesn't effect your lifestyle.

Try to keep your losses to around 5% monthly of your previous average monthly loss.You slowly adjust until your gambling worm shrink in size, like smoking u everyday 3 packet slowly cut down to 2 packet then 1 packet until like 7 sticks per day is great not asking u to quit gambling but to manage it in a way u still can enjoy gambling and have lots of fun at e same time.

Misconception: You don't always have to be a winner to be considered a successful player, if you can keep on playing without going bust is also considered a successful player....maybe your monthly turnover is 25k what u lose is only water money treat is as entertainment fees.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 20-Jun 2024 Thursday 7:30 AM (258 days ago)            #14
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Posts: 17421
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AB$: 1,006,250

quote originally posted by windersports_88:

I don know if you got this problem u like to place some fun bets b4 u sleep, so u spray eg got 20 matches u anyhow spray bet all $5 each, if u bet Asianhandicap and Total goal so one single match bet is $10, 20 matches is $200. My personal experience winning rate is about 30% losing rate is 70% purely luck.

Then you wakeup u check if u win like check 4D...then most of e time is straight flush one colour die, LLLWLLDLLL. Then per day u lose about $100++ per day for your addiction. You juz want the shiokness, 赌博爽why bet so big n so many matches?

Counter this problem
20 matches u bet about 3 matches instead of all.
U bet only on AH or TG don bet both
Bet $1 instead of $5 per game

Conclusion: even if u lose all u only lose $3 per day instead $100++ per day
1 month down e road you only lose $90 at max for your spraying spree gambling addiction.Impossible lose all so u average only lose about $70 per month.

You can keep on betting without disrupting your life.

I found one bookmaker that accepts lower betsize. Instead of betting $1 per game u bet $0.30.....anyway u juz wan to feed e gambling worm (赌瘾)frankly u don really care about who vs who....give u gorilla team vs chimpaneze team u will also bet.u juz wan to song(爽).Assuming u super sway(unlucky) everyday lose, u only lose about $27 per month.

From lose $100++ daily
down to lose $100++monthly.....
down to lose only $27 monthly.
You are still gambling daily but it doesn't effect u anymore.

This message was edited by windersports_88 on 20-Jun-2024 at 7:42 AM

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 27-Jun 2024 Thursday 3:35 PM (250 days ago)            #15
*Platinum Member*

Posts: 17421
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AB$: 1,006,250

Bankroll $100
Betsize $0.20
Playtime: last about 7 months
winrate: 3%

Solutions :
Found a bookmaker that accepts smaller betsize about $0.20. Betsize reduce due to lower winning percentage(damage control).Different  venues : Australia, Japan, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, HK/macau, UK,France, many to bet juz focus one or two venues to bet. Choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race.

1 week eg u bet 3 days (monday, wed, sun). One day ......say u bet 5 races every race also lose u only lose $1 per day, 3 days u only lose $3. one month down e road u only lose $12. You can feed your gambling worm and at e same time keep your losses to a manageable level....
.anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only, zero pressure and lots of fun.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

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windersports_88 01-Jul 2024 Monday 7:40 AM (247 days ago)            #16
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Bankroll $nil
Betsize $200/$300
Playtime: last about 7 days
winrate: 7%
Solutions : Got money then go no money don even think burn money super fast, don soak inside hit and run.

Super itchy can try online casino much cheaper lower minimum bet.
Normal casino is 5
¢ credit per line so about $1++ per spin which is very expensive, $500 bankroll u play for about 1-2 hours game over.Then you go ATM press another $300 to continue feed your addiction(赌瘾) play another 1hr went bust again. 1 month on jackpot alone u lose $800 easily excluding table games that is assuming u only go casino once a month. One year u lose $9.6k, 10 yrs down e road u lose 96k on jackpot alone.

Online casino can be as low as 2
¢ per you set aside $1 for pressing jackpot per day,u can spin 50x. You press abit of soccer eg 80¢ , bet abit of horse/dog eg30¢....bored already inbetween play abit of jackpot. one day say u only spin 40x u bored already works out about 80¢ per day....then 1 month you only lose $24 on jackpot, one year u only lose $288.

Eg of 5¢ per spin winning, the the graphic & sound effect won't lose to conventional casino.


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

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AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 16-Jul 2024 Tuesday 10:14 PM (231 days ago)            #17
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Bankroll $120 till e next reload 
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Average last about 20 days
winrate: 44%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min.
20¢/game.20¢ betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Recently i find out you can bet longer if you reduce your betsize significantly eg usually during cups i went bust(bankrupt) during qualifying stage or furthest is 1/4 final stage because my betsize is $200-$300 per game....then tis year surprisingly i can play until final because i from bet few hundreds to few dollars.

You can withstand the down swing like continuos losses because you bet small.....then when your luck is back you can pull back your previous losses.....another advantage is you don require a huge bankroll to bet $120 is all u need. Yes you don win much but the key thing is you don lose much either at the same time you can feed your gambling worm

Then another strange thing to note is when you starting lose eg 1st-3 matches for that day the whole day u will continuos lose then u see your losses snowball bigger n bigger. That means that day you aren't meant for gambling u can go fishing, go library study or simply watch online movie juz don touch gambling.

"Art of Surrendering"

You need to master the "Art of Surrendering" you need to understand on certain days you aren't meant to touch gambling be it online gambling or casino.Eg on this specific day friday 13th is your black swan day no matter how u bet u also will a matter of you lose abit, lose big or lose one big hole. If you are at the wrong place and at the wrong time you will lose heavily but if you know about this you can surrender accept the losses and walk away.

The higest form of gambling " It is not winning big money at shortest possible time, but the ability to recognize today is not your day.....walk away from the table with the least amount of losses possible.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 17-Jul 2024 Wednesday 6:46 AM (231 days ago)            #18
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Recap on new bankroll


Bankroll $120 till e next reload 
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Average last about 20 days
winrate: 44%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min.
20¢/game.20¢ betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Bankroll $50/$100
40¢ W/P or Paper bets
Playtime: last about 30 days
winrate: 3%
Solutions : choose only one horse/dog per race and not bet every single race.
Can choose paper bets no need to lose money, its free

Observation: Currently you can try 2 weeks bet one time instead of every week so $100 u can bet 2 months....anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Bankroll $nil
Betsize $200/$300
Playtime: last about 7 days
winrate: 7%
Solutions : Got money then go no money don even think burn money super fast, don soak inside hit and run.

Observation: Currently casino they operate at a very tight mode(格杀勿论)b4 covid and after covid 2 different thing.You dont stand a chance to win big money even if they let you win is abit only.

Instead of losing thousands in casino monthly by not going u save thousands of dollars monthly or reduce e no. of time u vist e casino from 12x yearly to 2x yearly about 6 months one time. Refer to post #10 for damage control tips. The gambling worm will shrink overtime.

Bankroll $30
Betsize $2-$3
Playtime : mon,wed,thurs,sat,sun (30days)
winrate: 0.05%
Solutions : Don bet on everydraw date got feeling then buy abit. Per draw date : max bet $6

Toto : buy ordinary only...sytem 7 ,8,9 all no strike at most 1 number (kelong)
4D: buy $3-$6 max bet (kelong) Numbers opened all super ugly don waste money
Been losing nonstop for months betsize shrank smaller and smaller 输到怕 in between got stop for weeks


Observation : Gambling worm de
finitely shrank over time....doesn't feel e need to bet large amount of money to feel e same dopamine rush instead as long as got bet doesn't matter the betsize, sometimes even paper bets can also quench my need for gambling.
I managed to further reduced the amount of bankroll needed from $450 to $200 due to the review of recent poor gambling performance and shrinking appetite for gambling.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

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AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 18-Jul 2024 Thursday 10:28 PM (229 days ago)            #19
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Bankroll $120 till e next reload 
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Average last about 20 days
winrate: 41%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min.
20¢/game.20¢ betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

***Betsize reduced further to $2 due to poor gambling performance, all big bets about 95% losing rate no choice bet small, if still don reduce betsize lose until shirts, pants & underwear all gone***



"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 23-Jul 2024 Tuesday 5:35 AM (225 days ago)            #20
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"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 26-Jul 2024 Friday 5:54 AM (222 days ago)            #21
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quote originally posted by windersports_88:
Bankroll $120 till e next reload 
Betsize 20¢-$2
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Average last about 20 days
winrate: 41%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min. 20¢/game.20¢ betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

***Betsize reduced further to $2 due to poor gambling performance, all big bets about 95% losing rate no choice bet small, if still don reduce betsize lose until shirts, pants & underwear all gone***

Bankroll 1500thb ($55) till e next reload 
Playtime 12-14 hrs daily
Average last about 20 days
winrate: 41%
Solutions : Reduce no.of itchy hand bets per day still cannot control bet min.
20¢/game.20¢ betsize very suitable for those who keep betting non stop any league also bet, itchybackside...anyway u juz want to feed e gambliing worm(赌瘾)only.

Observation :
Recently reduce bankroll for each bookmaker to 1500thb which is around $55 as my gambling worm shrank overtime, i no longer have the need to keep betting large amount of money to feel the same dopamine high.

However sometimes the gambling worm will took over and i will lose my rationality and have a strong tendency to go "ALL IN" This will counter tis problem as even though u went all in and bust your account it is only $55 it doesn't kill u....however if you have thousands or 10s of thousands in your betting account n you go all in... n when u lose you are screwed.

Let say this week you won and you managed to doubled your bankroll say to 3500thb withdrawl 1500thb leave 2000thb to play.You know you are a gambling addict all tis winnings are like gaming credit to you...eventually u will lose it all , keep some in e bank so when you bust your account you can use your previous winnings to top up e betting account instead of using your own money

Summary :
1.) Small betsize helps to withstand the down swing, helps to shrink your gambling worm
2) Small bankroll so that it doesn't effect you even if you bust e account
3.)Withdrawl from account once you doubled your bankroll don leave it inside e betting account else you will lose control n bet bigger and bigger.
4.) You will have more fun and lesser pressure when you bet, most importantly as a gambling addict you can keep on playing(一直爽)


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 30-Jul 2024 Tuesday 5:00 AM (218 days ago)            #22
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Fighting my inner demon daily

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 03-Aug 2024 Saturday 7:43 AM (214 days ago)            #23
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Gameplay:Soccerbetting + Jackpot + live casino table games (THB)

Try to keep your daily loss at 3.5% of your daily turnover so you can play longer, as u can see my recent betting performance is really bad only on 27th July i managed to keep it at tad range.(Soccerbetting) played too loosely anyhow adjust my betsize according to my gut feeling, played too much Jackpot 99% all lose, this bookmaker adjusted e game payout too tight, tis bookmaker any pattern of JP games also have i played until cannot stop(爽爽)....if u don have jackpot addiction or online casino games addiction....simply stick to soccerbetting can play longer easily 20 days.

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
kodokjalan  1 Likes  
windersports_88 08-Nov 2024 Friday 6:25 PM (116 days ago)            #24
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Hi bros, substitute 1thb or 2thb betsize bet with demo version jackpot save money. I realised they sometime give demo money for you to try it out, the feeling is the same thing as the one you play with real money. 

By switching to demo version you save money on betting jackpot => pump petrol for your scooter or buy coffee

(Soccerbetting + horse/dog racing + online casino + 4D/Toto) no demo version so u go in play abit bet small kill itch, as long as u stay away from real life casino u easily save 80% of your money.

Real life casino games -  substitute with hp games (free)
Soccerbetting + horse/dog racing - use deposit limit & time limit or bet small or paper bet(damage control)
4D/Toto - if keep on no strike can choose (surrendering)

"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 17-Nov 2024 Sunday 3:05 AM (108 days ago)            #25
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Macau Casino 4 days 3 nite excursion ***Bankroll Management 20,000HKD***

Devide bankroll into 10 parts/ per part 2000 HKD

Reserve 10% which is 2000 HKD for your daily expenses (food, transport, ciggie, coffee) - helps to prevent u keep on betting until no money to eat

Find a hotel about 600-800m away from the casino u visiting. Don stay in those hotel where casinos is right below firstly very difficlut to counter上头(impulsive, losing one's mind problem and 2ndly is cheaper.

remainder 9 parts = 18,000 use for betting.

self invented "Ah Gua methodology" 

Everytime you go casino only bring 2000HKD which is 10%,
U will get 4 pcs of 500 HKD chip....I myself is play baccarat so can only lose 3x left 1 pcs of 500 chip u don use walk out of casino.....slowly walk back to your hotel.... sit on your bed relax smoke or drink coffee relect on your past mistakes then slowly walk back to the casino to fight again.

***left 500 chip is to train yourself don loose until nothing left b4 u leave e casino and try to turn it into a habit.***

2nd session - bring another 2000 HKD to fight, the 500HKD chip u don bring juz leave it inside your bag. if still lose same thing lose until 500 HKD chip walk out of casino.
if let say u win 3 to 4 chips cash out walk back to your hotel and save up the money.

rinse and repeat - if u use my ah gua method u can easily play for 2 days let say u 100% losing rate all lose/die, u still save yourself 9*500 HKD = 4500HKD + the initial 10% i ask you set aside for daily expenses which is 2000HKD = (4500HKD + 2000HKD) = 6500HKD

3rd day - win/lose also don gamble go tour macua or zhuhai then 4th day fly back.


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
windersports_88 17-Nov 2024 Sunday 10:29 PM (107 days ago)            #26
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quote originally posted by windersports_88:
Macau Casino 4 days 3 nite excursion ***Bankroll Management 20,000HKD***

Devide bankroll into 10 parts/ per part 2000 HKD

Reserve 10% which is 2000 HKD for your daily expenses (food, transport, ciggie, coffee) - helps to prevent u keep on betting until no money to eat

Find a hotel about 600-800m away from the casino u visiting. Don stay in those hotel where casinos is right below firstly very difficlut to counter上头(impulsive, losing one's mind problem and 2ndly is cheaper.

remainder 9 parts = 18,000 use for betting.

self invented "Ah Gua methodology" 

Everytime you go casino only bring 2000HKD which is 10%,
U will get 4 pcs of 500 HKD chip....I myself is play baccarat so can only lose 3x left 1 pcs of 500 chip u don use walk out of casino.....slowly walk back to your hotel.... sit on your bed relax smoke or drink coffee relect on your past mistakes then slowly walk back to the casino to fight again.

***left 500 chip is to train yourself don loose until nothing left b4 u leave e casino and try to turn it into a habit.***

2nd session - bring another 2000 HKD to fight, the 500HKD chip u don bring juz leave it inside your bag. if still lose same thing lose until 500 HKD chip walk out of casino.
if let say u win 3 to 4 chips cash out walk back to your hotel and save up the money.

rinse and repeat - if u use my ah gua method u can easily play for 2 days let say u 100% losing rate all lose/die, u still save yourself 9*500 HKD = 4500HKD + the initial 10% i ask you set aside for daily expenses which is 2000HKD = (4500HKD + 2000HKD) = 6500HKD

3rd day - win/lose also don gamble go tour macua or zhuhai then 4th day fly back.


By using " Ah gua methodology" worst case scenario u lose 67.5% of your bankroll instead of 100% of your money. This money u can save it up or use it on your future casino trips. Casino if can quit try quitting because burnt $$$ money very fast.....if cannot quit try limit to once or twice per year.

For example, if u are a gambling addict u easily lose 5k-8k per month in casino, by reducing the no. of trips to casino from 12x down to 1x/2x you save average 50k-80k per year.....i already play down the figure.....if u are hardcore gambling addict one week go 4x/5x u easily lose 40k-100k per month.

***This amount depends on your size of your gambling worm(赌瘾) if you don control can die, if you are a hardcore gambling addict u can apply self exclusion wait for the gambling worm(赌瘾) to shrink in size, meanwhile when itchy can bet small play for fun to kill itch no pressure lots of fun ***


"Bankroll:$58 Betsize(投注):20¢-$2 "初级功力不怕输,中级功力输不怕,顶峰功力怕不输"

一馬當先 旗開得勝 横财就手 順風順水 逢赌必赢 淡定心情 笑看得失 常念感恩 勤於讀書

AsianBookie Tipsters Championship
Member of Team:
病態賭徒168- “我早已忘記輸的感覺”
(Est. Feb 2013)

Team Ranked: #60 - Team Score (Top 50 Members): AB$ 1,006,250 Total Members: 4
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